Monday, April 28, 2008

India Tour of Gupta Empire

Entry 1
Date: April 28, 450 C.E.
Hello, my name is Maximus Evans-Nolan, and I am going to share my summer vacation to India with you. First, let me tell you about myself. My job is a student at Waukesha South High School. I am 15 years of age and am well built. I am time traveling to India as a summer assignment for AP World History that requires me to travel to India and Study the Gupta Empire. For more info about me, look in my profile.
Entry 2
Date: April 29, 450 C.E.
Today I reached my first stop, Pataliputra. Pataliputra is the capital of the Gupta Empire. Pataliputra is famous for the first place of major astronomical discoveries. For example, it was here that Aryabahata found the most accurate circumference of the earth since modern times. He only missed it by 500 miles. For an ancient astronomer, that says something. They also found that the earth was round, found that one year calculates to 365.856 days, and that eclipses are scientific phenomena, not the gods getting angry. The weather here gets into the triple digits daily. Very hot and very humid.
Entry 3
Date: April 31, 450 C.E.
Today I visited Bakshali, the home of Indian mathematics. Here, the Arabic, or should I say Indian, numerals that we use today were invented. If the Indians of the Gupta Empire had not invented these numerals, then we would be might doing math with Roman numerals. Here the also invented the concept of zero. Without zero, numbers would only be 1-9. Aryabanata also gave birth to geometry in this mountains, arid climate. A city I visited on the way to Bakshali was Sarnath. Sarnath is known for the many sculptors that live and do there work there. They make terra cota, which is harden clay, sculptures of gods, famous people, temples, palaces, anything that can be sculpted. When I was there, I say some fascinating works of art. They made a giant model of The Buddha for me as a blessing. This will prove challenging to move around with me.
Entry 4
Date: May 2, 450 C.E.
Yesterday I traveled to the city of Ujjain, or the City of Literature. Literature is considered to be the greatest achievement of the Gupta Empire. Many famous dramas in modern India, like those composed by Shudrake. However, the most important work form this time was the Puranas, the Shakuntala, Kumarasambhava and Meghduta. Most. of these composure's became famous plays that premiere around the world. I tried to tell them this, but they wouldn't believe it, all except for Shudrake, for this brought tears to his eyes. Today I have traveled to Ajanta to view the cave paintings that are so adored by every one. the Cave Paintings of Ajanta are one of the most famous aspects of the Gupta Empire. When I viewed these paintings as they were without 1500 years of age, I thought they were quite spectacular. I've noticed that as I have traveled from city to city the good construction of the roads that I have traveled on. This is a fine paving job for ancient times. A lot better than in modern times. No pot holes of things like that.
Entry 5
Date: May 5, 450 C.E.
Yesterday, I traveled to the city of Nalanda, or the City of Medicine and College. Here in Nalanda, advancements in medicines are being made. These seem primitive compared to our modern day medicine. They believe that a persons health is related to the the balance of the mind, body, and spirit. Some of the cures that they used to maintain this balance were certain food, potions, and water mixed with different things. Because of my attire, they thought that I needed some treatment. Stuff tastes awful. I also visited the universities that are in the cities. They kind of remind me of Havard. The ancient look to them is much more impressive than most modern colleges. This is my last entry. I hope my efforts taught you more about the Gupta Empire.

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